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This (Isn't) the End :: The "Where the End Starts" KAWS Exhibit Blew Our Minds

This (Isn't) the End :: The "Where the End Starts" KAWS Exhibit Blew Our Minds

It’s safe to say that anyone can to relate to the work of Kaws. Whether it’s the recognizable figures from childhood cartoons or the emotional connection to one of his many characters, Brian Donnelly’s work speaks beyond pop culture. Having followed Kaws’ career for well over a decade, I couldn’t help but have all types of feelings when walking through the most recent (and largest) exhibition of his work, Where the End Starts, currently showing at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.

A good art exhibition is often the driving factor that takes me to new places. Over the last few years I’ve met amazing people who all particularly #TravelForAKaws (shout out to @WillNYC for getting the movement going). When we heard that Where the End Begins would showcase around 100 pieces from Kaws’ 20-year career, we knew it’d be a good trip.

Needless to say, this exhibition left me speechless. And while it might seem like I’m giving the whole show away, trust me.... this is only a fraction of it.


Where the End Starts will be on exhibition from now until January 22, 2017 at the gorgeous Modern Art Museum of Forth Worth (which is definitely worth the visit) and will then travel to Shanghai from March – August, 2017. Congrats Kaws! <3

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