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Test Shot :: Krystal Bee

Test Shot :: Krystal Bee

June has been a good month. So good that I got to do a test shot segment with Krystal Bee. Now aside from having a few common friends the oh so powerful instagram served as the beginning of us linking up. Liking each others photos  along with sharing some friends led to the idea that we should link up and just shoot for fun and see what we get. Krystal,despite having big brown eyes and a charming smile said she doesn’t do a ton of photo shoots. Well that immediately made me feel special but I think a lot of it has to do with busy her schedule. See she has a pretty demanding morning job as a on air personality for the popular Power 106 show Big Boy’s Neighborhood. So I linked up at her place in L.A. and snapped some flicks which turned out great. Take a look below to check some of them a long with a little interview I did with Krystal.


O.k. Krystal how many years young are you?


What about your ethnicity?

Mexican American.

Where were you born?

Born and raised in L.A. East LA. Grew up in Monterey Park and Montebello.

And where do you currently live?

Still in L.A. I don’t think I can ever leave. I love LA & SoCal too much!

Give me some of your likes in life?

Music,dancing to music in my chonies. ;) sports…. adventurous things.

Any Dislikes?

The rain, fakes, liars, flat tires, onions, olives, having to take out the trash, and running late!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I always wanted to be a chef. I pretend I’m a chef at home. ….while dancing in my chonies!

If you weren’t in radio what would you be doing?

Trying to get into radio. Possibly a school radio station. Maybe still life guarding? Or maybe in culinary school. That would be wild!

Do you have any influences?

My Abuelita(grandma) & my big sis. Love that chick!

Give us a favorite place you have traveled to?

Haven’t traveled as much as I’d like to but so far….. Nassau.

Name a place you want to visit before you die?

Jamaica. Been on the bucket list. Hopefully within the next few years.

What is your current form of employment?

On-Air personality. Big Boys Neighborhood. Woop WOOOOP!

Given your job what is your favorite music?

That’s a tuffy! I like a lot of music. A lot of different kinds of music.. r&b is up there, hip-hop,funk,classic rock and disco….. a lot. Almost everything except country music. I just haven’t gotten into country.











Follow Krystal on instagram

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